A Brief Introduction to Fire Cupping

House Nine Wellness and Tea  - Fire cupping, hot stones, Portland massage and tea shop, acupuncture therapy

Hey friend,

At House Nine, we believe in pursuing holistic paths to wellness. Our approach integrates several kinds of bodywork, herbal medicine, and tea services that might seem unfamiliar to you. However, rather than letting the unfamiliar deter us—as it sometimes does—our practitioners recognize that the path to wellness is full of learning. Therefore, we invite you to ask questions, learn with us, and discover a unique path that fits your journey to better health. 

Today, let’s spend a brief moment learning and growing together. 

What is fire cupping?

A traditional East Asian technique dating at least back to 300 CE(1), fire cupping involves heating a glass cup over an open flame to create negative pressure on the skin, producing a light suction. Either left stationary or glided across the surface of your skin, the resulting suction brings blood to the body’s surface, metabolizing toxins, dissolving tension, and providing relief. 

As Kathleen Rushall writes in her article on cupping, “cupping is much like the inverse of massage—rather than applying pressure to muscles, it uses gentle pressure to pull them upward.” 

House Nine Wellness and Tea  - Fire cupping, hot stones, Portland massage and tea shop, acupuncture therapy

(1) https://www.pacificcollege.edu/news/blog/2014/09/20/many-benefits-chinese-cupping-1

Is fire cupping painful?

Most find cupping to be a pleasant, relaxing experience. During the process, you will feel a slight tightness that gradually passes with time. Of course, our practitioner will happily adjust the intensity of the suction to meet your individual preference. So, whether it’s light or high intensity, we will find what works for you. 

Does fire cupping leave bruises?

Yes—however, with regular cupping and acupuncture, the severity of these marks decreases substantially.

What is fire cupping best for?

Many things! Especially respiratory difficulties, joint and muscle pain, and skin issues. Fire cupping can break up fascial (connective tissue) adhesions, relieve hypertonicity, and move energetic stagnation in your body.

How are fire cupping and acupuncture connected?

While you can book fire cupping as a stand-alone appointment, it also comes included with all our acupuncture services. But, how are they related

Well, just like acupuncture, fire cupping generally follows the five meridians on your back. By targeting these areas together, cupping and acupuncture provide enhanced muscular relief, loosening muscles, releasing toxins, and supporting optimal blood flow. 

Can I ask for cupping wherever there is tension (feet, hands, etc.)?

Absolutely. Accessing particular pressure points can be crucial not only for that muscle but for your body as a whole. For example, after a cupping session, many patients report positive changes to their digestive system, citing an improved metabolism and other gastrointestinal benefits.

Laying a foundation for wellness

House Nine Wellness and Tea  - Fire cupping, hot stones, Portland massage and tea shop, acupuncture therapy

At House Nine, we know holistic approaches to wellness are essential to living fuller, more pain-free lives. Fire cupping can be an essential component in the comprehensive approach to becoming a healthier you, so why not give it a try? Our practitioners are happy to pass on their wisdom and introduce you to our treatment-focused bodywork.

Get started with our services today.


1413 SE Hawthorne Blvd.

Portland, OR 97214

E: hello@housenine.com

P: (503) 841-6460

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